Intellectual Output n° 4: Course Curriculum for the LiFT Collaboratory facilitator training

Intellectual Output n° 4:

Course Curriculum for the LiFT Collaboratory facilitator training

Developing the multi-stakeholder communication and dialog methodology of the Collaboratory for addressing wicked issues across sectors, cultures and contexts has been a process of experimentation supported by a specific constellation of facilitators involved in the 50+20 initiative, and, from 2013/14 on, in the LiFT projects 1.0 and 2.0. This has led to an emerging body of knowledge and skill related to the pre-requisites and skills necessary to design and facilitate a successful Collaboratory that is documented in our intellectual outputs. Based on this codification of our learning, we have designed, tested and evaluated a train the trainer course that has been conducted for the first time at the LiFT Summer School in Vienna in July 2018 and can also be booked by interested groups or institutions.

If you are interested, contact us at:

Download here:

Course Curriculum – Designing and facilitating a Collaboratory


Attachments & Feedbacks:

Evaluation form template: Evaluation_form_LiFT_final

Summary_of_SummerSchool Feedback

Trainee reflection paper template: LiFT SS Facilitator Training_REFLECTION PAPER_blank

Collaboratory Reflection Paper 2018-09-21 Marina Hammer

Reflective feedback conversation of three leading LiFT team members: